1. 需要一块连续的空间
2. 每个元素都有一个直接前驱和直接后继,但是第一个元素没有前驱,最后一个元素没有后继。
3. 存储密度高,访问效率高
/************************************************************************* > File Name: Struct.h > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 10:23:25 AM CST ************************************************************************/#ifndef _STRUCT_H_#define _STRUCT_H_#define SIZE 20enum RETURNVAL{ ERROR = -1, OK, FALSE = 0, TRUE,};typedef int Status;typedef int ElemType;typedef struct LNode{ int lenght; ElemType data[SIZE];}SqList, *pSqList;#endif
#ifndef _FUN_H_#define _FUN_H_void insertToList(SqList * Line,int Location,int num);void showItemFromList(SqList * Line);pSqList InitList();void menu();void destoryList(pSqList pList);void delete(pSqList plink,int location , ElemType * DEL_data);int searchFromList(pSqList plink, int num);void updateItemInList(pSqList plink,int location,int number);#endif
/************************************************************************* > File Name: InitList.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 10:55:57 AM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"#include #include pSqList InitList(){ pSqList pList = (pSqList)malloc(sizeof(SqList)); if (NULL != pList) memset(pList,0,sizeof(SqList)); return pList;}void destoryList(pSqList pList){ if (NULL == pList) printf("destoryList failed"); free(pList); pList = NULL;}
当然,有malloc 就有 free ,我们时刻记住开辟的内存要还回去,这样不会造成内存泄漏~
/************************************************************************* > File Name: showItemFromList.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 10:24:39 AM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"void showItemFromList(SqList * pList){ int i; if (NULL == pList) { printf("there is nothing\n"); return ; } printf("Liner List is \n"); for(i = 0;i < pList->lenght;i++) printf("%d\t",pList->data[i]); printf("\n");}
/************************************************************************* > File Name: insert.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 10:22:28 AM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"#define SIZE 20void insertToList(SqList * pLink,int Location,int num){ int i; if (Location > pLink->lenght + 1 ||(Location < 0) ||(pLink->lenght == SIZE) ) { printf("dont input number in a mistakeble way"); } else { for(i = pLink->lenght;i >= Location; i--) pLink->data[i] = pLink->data[i - 1]; pLink->data[Location - 1] = num; pLink->lenght++; }}
/************************************************************************* > File Name: delete.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 03:58:51 PM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"void delete(pSqList plink,int location , ElemType * DEL_data){ if (location > plink->lenght) { printf("there are not %d in the link\n",location); return; } if ( NULL == plink ||(location < 0) ) { printf("illegal input"); return; } *DEL_data = plink->data[location - 1]; int i; if (location == SIZE) { plink->lenght--; } else { for(i = location - 1;i < plink->lenght;i++ ) plink->data[i] = plink->data[i + 1]; plink->lenght--; }}
删除 和插入差不多
/************************************************************************* > File Name: menu.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 11:28:05 AM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include void menu(){ printf("1......insert\n"); printf("2......show\n"); printf("3......delete\n"); printf("4......destory\n"); printf("5......search\n"); printf("6......updata\n"); printf("please input you choise:\n");}
/************************************************************************* > File Name: search.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 05:00:17 PM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"int searchFromList(pSqList plink, int num){ if (NULL == plink) return ERROR; int i; for( i = 0; i < plink->lenght ; i++ ) if (num == plink->data[i]) return i; printf("there isn't the number %d in the link\n",num);}
/************************************************************************* > File Name: updateItemInList.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 05:10:49 PM CST ************************************************************************/#include#include"Struct.h"void updateItemInList(pSqList plink,int location,int number){ if (NULL == plink) printf("error!"); plink->data[location - 1] = number;}
/************************************************************************* > File Name: Sort.c > Author: aaron > Mail: 60360329@163.com > Created Time: Tue 14 Mar 2017 22:59:06 PM CST ************************************************************************/#include"Struct.h"#includeint partition(pSqList plink, int low, int high){ int pivotkey = plink->data[low]; while (low < high) { while (low < high && plink->data[high] >= pivotkey ) --high; plink->data[low] = plink->data[high]; plink->data[high] = pivotkey; while (low < high && plink->data[low] <= pivotkey ) ++low; plink->data[high] = plink->data[low]; plink->data[low] = pivotkey; } return low;} void quickSort(pSqList plink, int low, int high){ int pivot; if(low < high) { pivot = partition(plink, low, high); quickSort(plink, low, pivot - 1); quickSort(plink, pivot + 1, high); } }
快速排序!看别人的哈哈 书上有算法~~
typedef int Elemtypetypedef struct ListNode{ Elemtype * pData; int count; int totalSize;}ListNode,* pListNode;//createpListNode pList = malloc(sizeof(ListNode));memset(pList,0,sizeof(ListNode));pList->totalSize = SIZE;pList->pData = (Elemtype)malloc(pList->totalSize);//add_storepList->totalSize += SIZE;pList->pData = (Elemtype)realloc(pList->pData,pList->totalSize);